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COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Our office is offering the Moderna vaccine to children 6 months of age through 5 years of age. For Pfizer vaccine, children in older age groups, or if patients are unable to attend our vaccine clinics, please see to locate COVID vaccine providers in our community. 


The Moderna vaccine is a 2-dose series, with doses separated by 4 weeks. The dose for this age group is ¼ the adult dose.


Prior to Scheduling Your Appointment

  • Contact our nurse via telephone or portal message about any questions or concerns related to the vaccine and your child’s medical needs.

  • Make sure that your child is well enough:

    • You will not be provided the vaccine if you are in the 10 days exposure/quarantine timeframe, which is within 6 feet of another individual with known or suspected COVID-19 illness without a mask and eye protection for 15 minutes or greater

    • You will not be provided the vaccine if you are in the 10 days isolation timeframe with the COVID-19 illness, which is: 10 days since a positive COVID-19 test or onset of symptoms


At the time of your child’s vaccine, we will also ask some screening questions to confirm this is the right time for your child to receive the vaccine. The vaccine clinical team will not be able to advise you if any underlying health conditions could stop your child from receiving the vaccine or should be considered before he/she receives it.


Patients will be asked to remain for observation after the vaccine is given. Most patients will wait 15 minutes; however, patients with a history of anaphylaxis or prior allergic reaction to a COVID vaccine or its components will be observed for 30 minutes.

Additional Information

Please review the vaccine information (below) and consent forms prior to your arrival. 

Vaccine information:

Click Here for the Moderna Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers

(must be read prior to vaccine administration)

Links to additional information:

Moderna Vaccine Overview and Safety - includes information on ingredients

COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs from (a parent information website from the American Academy of Pediatrics)

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